April 24, 2012

Big Spender vs. Smart Spender

Sorry for the mini hiatus [Mom], since I am pretty sure she is the only regular reader of my newest hobby.  You just gotta love mothers for supporting you, no matter what. Anywho, I am back!

I recently posted some hot pink wedges on my Wishlist Wednesday.  I thought they would be the perfet addition to my summer shoe wardrobe but unfortunately the price tag was a little out of reach.  The other day I was browsing on e-bay and came across some very similar Nine West shoes for $200+ less.

What do you think?  Obviously, not exactly the same but for the price the Nine West ones will most definitely do.
Since I saved myself so much money I might just be purchasing another pair of shoes from my post the other day. There is that saying when it comes to fitness "You are not a dog, don't reward yourself with food."  I think I should apply that to my shopping and reward myself with shoes!

Jennie O.
images via: ShopBopAmazon

1 comment:

  1. i read on fridays for the weeks worth of stuff...keep them coming! LOVE the pink shoes!
